Marketing Style, Strategy & VA Seminar

Work From Home - Virtual Assistant - Jomar Hilario Seminar

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Lemon a Killer of Cancer Cells

This is just a forwarded message from a friend of mine this morning and I'm glad to received every now and then these kind of messages that I can share it to everyone. 

so here it goes: 

A mixture of Lemon & Water:

Just cut 2-3 thin slices of lemon in a cup/container and adding drinking water will become "alkaline water" drink for the whole day,just by adding drinking water. Take it as drinking water everyday is good for everybody.

The surprising benefits of lemon! I remain perplexed! Institute of Health Sciences, 819 N.L.L.C. Charles Street, Baltimore, MD 1201.

This is the latest in medicine, effective for cancer!

Read carefully & you be the judge.

Lemon (citrus) is a miraculous product to kill cancer cells. It is 10,000 times stronger than chemotherapy.

Why do we not know about that? Because there are laboratories interested in making a synthetic version that will bring them huge profits. You can now help a friend in need by letting him/her know that lemon juice is beneficial in preventing the disease. Its taste is pleasant and it does not produce the horrific effects of chemotherapy. How many people will dies while this  closely guarded secret is kept, so as not to jeopardize the beneficial multimillionaires large corporations?

As you know, the lemon tree is known for its varieties of lemons and limes. You can eat the fruit in different ways: you can eat the pulp, juice press, prepare drinks, sorbets, pastries, etc... It is credited with
many virtues, but the most interesting is the effect it produces on cysts and tumors. This plant is a proven remedy against cancers of all typesSome say it is very useful in all variants of cancer. It is considered
also as an anti microbial spectrum against bacterial infections and fungi, effective against
internal parasites and worms, it regulates blood pressure which is too high and an antidepressant combats stress and nervous disorders.

The source of this information is fascinating: it comes from one of the largest drug manufacturers in the world, says that after more than 20 laboratory tests since 1970, the extracts revealed that: It destroys the
malignant cells in 12 cancers including colon, breast, prostate, lung and pancreas ....The compounds of this tree showed 10,000 times better than the product Adriamycin, a drug normally "used" chemotherapeutic in the world, slowing the growth of cancer cells. And what is even more astonishing: this type of therapy with lemon extract only destroys malignant cancer cells and it does not affect healthy cells.

Send to everyone...!!!!

Friday, August 26, 2011

My Favorite Superfoods

There's a saying that "You are what you EAT", I do believed to that one although my eating pattern doesn't have direction yet or the super foods that supposed to be eaten by people especially those who has this "special concern" should be religiously eaten.I myself didn't practice it regularly but still trying to follow what is right to take for us to have long Healthy Life..

These super foods are:

1. Blueberries:  From the group of fruit of berries, this is anti inflammatory, have diverse range of micro-nutrients, filled with anti oxidants, vitamin C, potassium, vitamins B6, vitamin K & dietary fiber.

According to the research, it has proven that this fruit is good for brain health, nervous system & blood sugar regulation.

I seldom eat this because of limited availability i our place plus the factor that it costs too much for me if I will buy it every now and then. Here's the second one that's really my favorite and can afford to buy almost every week and present in my weekly menu.

2. Broccoli: it contains many things that our body needs, such as vitamins, protein, calcium and iron.It has high vitamins C as well as dietary fiber, Broccoli has highest level of caretenoids, rich in lutein & provide beta carotene. Broccoli contains phytochemicals that has been proven to fight against cancer, according to American Cancer Society, it is also anti inflammatory, it strengthen the immune system, lowers the cholesterol and lower the chances of getting Alzheimer's disease.
Insulin can be regulated by eating broccoli because its packed with chromium, which is beneficial to a diabetic person. It is also gives strong, positive impact on body's detoxification.
You can cook broccoli through boiling & steaming for less than 5 minutes to become more beneficial.

3. Egg: my kids most loved food and its my favorite too. Egg is the superfood that raise energy levels and brain function improvement. It contains protein, vitamins and amino acids. It has important antioxidants, such as lutein, which helps person's eyesight & selenium which can keep blood clots from forming.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Result - 1605 pass Physician Licensure Exam

The Professional Regulation Commission has released the results of the August 2011 Physician Licensure Exam Wednesday, noting that two schools got a 100 percent passing rate.

University of the Philippines-Manila and Cebu Institute of Medicine, with 144 and 50 examinees respectively, both registered a 100 percent passing rate, according to PRC.

The University of Sto. Tomas with 372 examinees came second with a passing rate of 99.73 percent.

Meanwhile, Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila was at third place with  98.31 percent passing rate; University of the East Ramon Magsaysay Memorial Medical Center at fourth with 96.04 percent; West Visayas State University-La Paz placed fifth with 95.31 percent, according to PRC.

A total of 1605 examinees successfully passed the exam, according to the roll of successful examinees released by the PRC.

LIST OF SUCCESSFUL EXAMINEES: CLICK HERE: Roll of successful examinees

Mark Augustine Saquido Onglao of UP Manila topped the examinations with an 88.42 rating.

Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila's Mary Rose Manas Maballo came second with 88.17; Sharlene Marie Lo Lao of UST and Eugene Guerrero Odono of UP Manila tied at third place with 87.92.

UP Manila's John Lyle Montero Gomez placed fourth with 87.75, followed by Deonne Thaddeus Vite  Gauiran with 87.67

PRC said in its website that the registration for the issuance of Professional Identification Card (ID) and Certificate of Registration will start on Monday, August 22, 2011 at 4th Floor, Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) Annex Building, P. Paredes St., cor. N. Reyes St., Sampaloc, Manila.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

“Malunggay; Moringa Oleifera; Sajina”

“poor man’s vegetable but a miracle tree”

Malunggay in Tagalog, Moringa Oleifera in its scientific name, also called Sajina in India. This "Moringa" tree is grown mainly in semi-arid, tropical, and subtropical areas. While it grows best in dry sandy soil, it tolerates poor soil, including coastal areas. It is a fast-growing, drought-resistant tree that is native to the southern foothills of the Himalayas in northwestern India and is widely cultivated in Africa, Central & South America, Sri Lanka, Mexico, Malaysia, Indonesia & Philippines because of its full potential and very useful trees. It is now consumed and used not only as food, but also an ingredient for cosmetics, personal care products, antibiotics, bio-fuel and a lot more. 

A traditional food plant in Africa, India and Philippines, this little-known vegetable has potential to improve nutrition, boost food security, foster rural development, and support sustainable land care

Moringa trees have been used to combat malnutrition, especially among infants and nursing mothers. Three non-governmental organizations in particular — Trees for Life, Church World Service, and Educational Concerns for Hunger Organization — have advocated Moringa as "natural nutrition for the tropics." Leaves can be eaten fresh, cooked, or stored as dried powder for many months without refrigeration, and reportedly without loss of nutritional value. Moringa is especially promising as a food source in the tropics because the tree is in full leaf at the end of the dry season when other foods are typically scarce.

A large number of reports on the nutritional qualities of Malunggay now exist in both the scientific and the popular literature.
Rebuild Weak bones-
Enrich anemic blood-
Nourishes Breastfed babies
-It has Calcium of four glasses of milk-
It has Vitamin C of seven oranges 
-It has the Potassium of three bananas 
-Liver disorder remedy 
-Colds remedy
-Enhances red-blood cells
More Health Benefits:
·                 Malunggay leaves helps strengthens the immune system.
·                 Malunggay can help restores skin condition, controls                            blood pressure, relieves headaches and migraines.
·                 Malunggay tea can help strengthen the eye muscles.
·                 Malunggay tea can help heal inflammation of the joints                       and tendons.
·                 Malunggay tea can prevent intestinal worms.
·                 Malunggay can help increase semen count.
·                 Malunggay help normalize blood sugar level therefore                         preventing diabetes.
·                 Malunggay has anti-cancer compounds (phytochemicals)                   that help stop the growth of cancer cells.
·                 Malunggay helps relax and promotes good night sleep.
·                 Malunggay tea is used to treat fever and asthma.
·                 Malunggay help heals ulcers.
·                 Malunggay contain four times the vitamin A in carrots.
·                 Malunggay leaves contain two times the protein in milk.
·                 Malunggay seed is used to clean dirty or polluted water.


Monday, July 18, 2011

Saluyot or Jute - Herbal Medicine and a Healthy Delicious Meal

Saluyot or Jute (Corchorus capsularis L.)

Saluyot, also known as jute, is a green leafy vegetable that is rich in calcium, phosphorus, iron and potassium. It has also been determined that 100 grams of saluyot contains an ample amount of Vitamin A, thiamine, riboflavin, ascorbic acid, and is also rich in fiber. With these facts alone, we can appreciate the benefits that can be derived from eating and incorporating saluyot in one’s diet. This vegetable also assures safety of intake even for pregnant mothers. Unlike other plants with medicinal benefits like makabuhay, it is safe to be eaten even by those which are medically considered to be in a weak state. Saluyot can be found basically everywhere. From warm, tropical countries like the Philippines to tropical deserts and wet forest zones, saluyot is abundant. It does not require much attention and care, and thus, thrives without cultivation the whole year round.


Preparation and Health Benefits of Saluyot

Because the saluyot or jute plant is by nature a vegetable, it is easy to prepare and can be incorporated to various dishes that would allow individuals to benefit from its vitamins and mineral content. Since it can be found easily, there are a lot of local viands and/or dishes that use saluyot as an ingredient. For instance, the Ilocanos use saluyot in their preparation of dinengdeng and bulangbulang. Fried saluyot are also mixed with sautéed bamboo shoots and dried beans. Other dishes include, but are not limited to chicken viands, wherein saluyot are mixed in either sautéed or pureed form. It is also integrated in mongo dishes, and in soups.

Although some dislikes the slimy character of saluyot, its benefits are worth enduring the slimy character of this vegetable. Its vitamin content is good for eyesight, as the vegetable contains beta-carotene. Its iron and calcium content necessarily aids a person in maintaining strong bones and teeth, and a healthy count of red blood cells. Saluyot has been used to reduce wrinkles, as it also contains anti-oxidant substances. Studies have also shown that saluyot can be used for anti-inflammatory treatment. It is to be noted that saluyot has been used traditionally to address concerns related to inflammation and pain, and the results of recent studies confirmed the validity of such traditional practice. In the same manner, saluyot has also been connected with curing the chronic inflammation of the urinary bladder. To prepare its medical decoction, an individual is advised to eat dishes and soups that contain saluyot. As to the dosage or the amount of intake that one should have, recent studies have not been able to establish this yet.

The Philippine Department of Health advises the public to increase their intake of this particular vegetable, to include malunggay and banana as well, in order to build resistance against the threat of swine flu. The DOH encourages this because its vitamins and mineral content, as have been mentioned earlier, would fortify one’s defenses against communicable diseases, which includes the widespread and dreaded disease. It is a good thing, therefore, that no other separate preparation is needed in order to experience and enjoy saluyot's benefits.


Delicious Recipe:
300 g of Saluyot Leaves
3 tbsp fish sauce
4 glasses of water
1 medium onion
5-6 pcs of calamansi or
2 tbsp of Sinigang mix
1 pc of fish flavour seasoning cube

To Cook:
1. Mix water, fish sauce, fish cubed seasoning, sliced onion, and calamansi citrus on the casserole in a medium heat until it boils for 2 minutes.
2. Put the saluyot leaves in the boiling mixture and wait for additional 2 minutes to boil. Off the stove and don not cover the casserole,  the leaves might be overcooked. Then serve.

Ten Herbal Medicines in the Philippines

Ten (10) Herbal Medicines in the Philippines
Approved by the Department of Health (DOH)

Here are the the ten (10) medicinal plants that the Philippine Department of Health (DOH) through its "Traditional Health Program" have endorsed. All ten (10) herbs have been thoroughly tested and have been clinically proven to have medicinal value in the relief and treatment of various aliments:

1. Akapulko (Cassia alata)
- also known as "bayabas-bayabasan" and "ringworm bush" in English, this herbal medicine is used to treat ringworms and skin fungal infections.

2. Ampalaya (Momordica charantia) - known as "bitter gourd" or "bitter melon" in English, it most known as a treatment of diabetes (diabetes mellitus), for the non-insulin dependent patients.

3. Bawang (Allium sativum) - popularly known as "garlic", it mainly reduces cholesterol in the blood and hence, helps control blood pressure.

4. Bayabas (Psidium guajava) - "guava" in English. It is primarily used as an antiseptic, to disinfect wounds. Also, it can be used as a mouth wash to treat tooth decay and gum infection.

5. Lagundi (Vitex negundo) - known in English as the "5-leaved chaste tree". It's main use is for the relief of coughs and asthma.

6. Niyog-niyogan (Quisqualis indica L.) - is a vine known as "Chinese honey suckle". It is effective in the elimination of intestinal worms, particularly the Ascaris and Trichina. Only the dried matured seeds are medicinal -crack and ingest the dried seeds two hours after eating (5 to 7 seeds for children & 8 to 10 seeds for adults). If one dose does not eliminate the worms, wait a week before repeating the dose.

7. Sambong (Blumea balsamifera)- English name: Blumea camphora. A diuretic that helps in the excretion of urinary stones. It can also be used as an edema.

8. Tsaang Gubat (Ehretia microphylla Lam.) - Prepared like tea, this herbal medicine is effective in treating intestinal motility and also used as a mouth wash since the leaves of this shrub has high fluoride content.

9. Ulasimang Bato | Pansit-Pansitan (Peperomia pellucida) - It is effective in fighting arthritis and gout. The leaves can be eaten fresh (about a cupful) as salad or like tea. For the decoction, boil a cup of clean chopped leaves in 2 cups of water. Boil for 15 to 20 minutes. Strain, let cool and drink a cup after meals (3 times day).

10. Yerba Buena (Clinopodium douglasii) - commonly known as Peppermint, this vine is used as an analgesic to relive body aches and pain. It can be taken internally as a decoction or externally by pounding the leaves and applied directly on the afflicted area.


Tips on Handling Medicinal Plants / Herbs:

• If possible, buy herbs that are grown organically - without pesticides.

• Medicinal parts of plants are best harvested on sunny mornings. Avoid picking leaves, fruits or nuts during and after heavy rainfall.

• Leaves, fruits, flowers or nuts must be mature before harvesting. Less medicinal substances are found on young parts.

• After harvesting, if drying is required, it is advisable to dry the plant parts either in the oven or air-dried on screens above ground and never on concrete floors. 

• Store plant parts in sealed plastic bags or brown bottles in a cool dry place without sunlight preferably with a moisture absorbent material like charcoal. Leaves and other plant parts that are prepared properly, well-dried and stored can be used up to six months.

Tips on Preparation for Intake of Herbal Medicines:

• Use only half the dosage prescribed for fresh parts like leaves when using dried parts.

• Do not use stainless steel utensils when boiling decoctions. Only use earthen, enamelled, glass or alike utensils.

• As a rule of thumb, when boiling leaves and other plant parts, do not cover the pot, and boil in low flame.

• Decoctions loose potency after some time. Dispose of decoctions after one day. To keep fresh during the day, keep lukewarm in a flask or thermos.

• Always consult with a doctor if symptoms persist or if any sign of allergic reaction develops.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Managaha Island

Mañagaha is a small islet which lies off the west coast of Saipan within its lagoon. Although it has no permanent residents, Mañagaha is popular among Saipan’s tourists as a day-trip destination due to its wide sandy beaches and a number of marine activities including snorkeling, parasailing and jet skiing.
It is also the burial ground of the famous Caroline Islands Chief Aghurubw.

 / 15.2414; 145.7127

Photo by Takoradee

Managaha Island lies 10 minutes by boat from the boat dock, offers a great beach  and snorkel experience. A must visit site when visiting the islands.