Marketing Style, Strategy & VA Seminar

Work From Home - Virtual Assistant - Jomar Hilario Seminar

Friday, August 26, 2011

My Favorite Superfoods

There's a saying that "You are what you EAT", I do believed to that one although my eating pattern doesn't have direction yet or the super foods that supposed to be eaten by people especially those who has this "special concern" should be religiously eaten.I myself didn't practice it regularly but still trying to follow what is right to take for us to have long Healthy Life..

These super foods are:

1. Blueberries:  From the group of fruit of berries, this is anti inflammatory, have diverse range of micro-nutrients, filled with anti oxidants, vitamin C, potassium, vitamins B6, vitamin K & dietary fiber.

According to the research, it has proven that this fruit is good for brain health, nervous system & blood sugar regulation.

I seldom eat this because of limited availability i our place plus the factor that it costs too much for me if I will buy it every now and then. Here's the second one that's really my favorite and can afford to buy almost every week and present in my weekly menu.

2. Broccoli: it contains many things that our body needs, such as vitamins, protein, calcium and iron.It has high vitamins C as well as dietary fiber, Broccoli has highest level of caretenoids, rich in lutein & provide beta carotene. Broccoli contains phytochemicals that has been proven to fight against cancer, according to American Cancer Society, it is also anti inflammatory, it strengthen the immune system, lowers the cholesterol and lower the chances of getting Alzheimer's disease.
Insulin can be regulated by eating broccoli because its packed with chromium, which is beneficial to a diabetic person. It is also gives strong, positive impact on body's detoxification.
You can cook broccoli through boiling & steaming for less than 5 minutes to become more beneficial.

3. Egg: my kids most loved food and its my favorite too. Egg is the superfood that raise energy levels and brain function improvement. It contains protein, vitamins and amino acids. It has important antioxidants, such as lutein, which helps person's eyesight & selenium which can keep blood clots from forming.

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